Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I need to learn to tell people...I need alone time.

I know I have been posting a lot about my emotions, anger and anxiety. I have been feeling so completely overwhelmed, and after talking to my therapist/friend, it has finally settled into my mind that sometimes I just have to shut it all out. Not answer my phone, my door, or do for others (unless it's an emergency). I need time to just sit back and relax with my husband and breath. So I am declaring tonight "At home date night". We (my husband and I) will have till a certain time to work on things that have to do with the move but once that time hits we're done. We are going to make dinner together, maybe have some music playing in the background, and talk. Just talk. Not about the move, our families, or friends. We need to focus on us. On each other. And just have time to ourselves. We spend so much time worrying about others that we don't just take the time to worry about ourselves and how we are feeling. I think I am going to try to make this something we do AT LEAST once a month if not more.

That being said I hope you all find time for yourself. Don't let others issues/problems consume your life and your mind. Take time to breath. Pamper yourself. Have a nice dinner, take a bubble bath, drink a glass of wine (if that is your beverage of choice), talk to your spouse/significant other-remember why you fell in love, cuddle, wrap up and read a beautifully written book, or just watch your favorite show on T.V. Point is....TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF!

I hope you all have a blessed day!